kolotes lampsakenos bahasa Inggris
- metrodoros lampsakenos: metrodorus of lampsacus (the younger)
- polyainos lampsakenos: polyaenus of lampsacus
- straton lampsakenos: strato of lampsacus
- kolot: antique; conservatism; conservative; oldfashioned; primitive; anachronism; diehard; old-hat; fossil; passee; ex; dogmatic; passe; outmoded; square; demode; outdated; superannuated; fogey; stodgy; ou
- kolosus di rodos: colossus of rhodes
- kolpolter: colporteur
- kolostrum: colostrum; foremilk; beestings
- kolubrid: colubridae
- kolossos rodos: colossus of rhodes
- kolum: editorial; newspaper column; column
- kolosi memnon: colossi of memnon
- koluma vertebra: vertebral column
- His friendship with Epicurus started after the latter's escape from Mytilene in 307 or 306 BC when he opened a philosophical school at Lampsacus associating himself with other citizens of the town, like Pythocles, Colotes, and Idomeneus.
Persahabatannya dengan Epikuros dimulai setelah pelarian yang terakhir dari Metilene apda tahun 307 atau 306 SM ketika ia membuka sebuah sekolah filsafat di Lampsakus yang bergaul dengan warga kota lainnya, seperti Pythocles, Kolotes Lampsakenos, dan Idomeneus.